January 17, 2025
The Board of Public Works continues working diligently to make sure water levels remain stable.
We continue to provide data with daily readings on the number of gallons pumped, pumping
times, and reservoir levels. This will keep the public informed of current conditions. See the City
of Auburn website at https://auburn.ne.gov for updates.
If you have questions about the status of any of our activities, please contact the BPW and we
are happy to provide you with statistics of rainfall, well levels and daily monitoring of the water
pumped. All systems are actively monitored, and data is kept on file permanently. The reservoir
holds 1.5 million gallons of water and has not dropped below the normal levels. This is due to
the implementation of the plan and the collaboration of the members of the Auburn and Peru
communities’ reduction in use.
Usage has settled back down now that repairs to a couple of major breaks have been repaired.
Thank you for being patient. The ground shifts as water levels change and can cause issues
with water lines. Many lines are older and as the ground settles breaks while uncommon, do
occur. Crews continue to monitor levels for changes that indicate these leaks and work quickly
to make repairs.
We appreciate all efforts for conserving usage until levels return to normal.
Alan Slater
Water/Wastewater Manager

Click here for water readings: January 17, 2025


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