RV Park

City Facilities are NOT sanitized to prevent the spread of contagious and/or communicable disease or illness. All patrons must practice safe and healthy self-sanitization efforts for themselves and other patrons. Please follow all public health and safety guidelines, restrictions, and recommendations published by the CDC, DHHS, State Government, and the Southeast District Health Department. Go to our website at Auburn.ne.gov for restriction updates.
Thank you and stay safe!

City of Auburn, Nebraska RV Park

The RV Park is open from April 1 through October 31, weather permitting.  If it is likely to freeze, the water will not be turned on until it is safe to do so or the water will be shut off early if necessary. Please call (402) 274-3420 if the weather is questionable in April and October.  

$20.00 per night

Rules & Regulations

Law Enforcement checks area periodically (402) -274-3139

City Hall (M-F)  (402) 274-3420


Other RV Parks

Longscreek RV Park

517 J St

Southside RV Park

1074 26th Street