2025 Auburn City Rec T-ball is for boys and girls born in 2019 and 2020. Players must be 4 or 5 years old on or before December 31, 2024.
Registration is open from January 13th through March 21st. The cost is $40, registration and payment are through TeamSnap. Please let the T-ball Commissioner know if you need any assistance with registration.
Once players have been assigned to a team you will receive an “invite” email from TeamSnap. Download the TeamSnap app on your smartphone and/or check your e-mail for team information. Coaches utilize TeamSnap to communicate information related to games, practices, weather, etc.
The T-ball program focuses on introducing players to hitting, fielding and the basics of baseball, in a fun and safe environment. Auburn City Rec strives to make this a positive experience for all players, coaches and spectators. All players are guaranteed to play.
Equipment: Children only need a glove to participate. Shirts are provided for each player. Anyone interested in sponsoring a team this season, please contact Jake Jenek 816-739-3329 (Text or call).
Coaches will have helmets and bats available. Players are allowed to bring their own equipment if they choose. It is highly recommended that any personal items be labeled. Tennis shoes or cleats (no metal spikes) must be worn. No sandals, flip-flops, or other open toed footwear are allowed.
Game schedule: Games are normally scheduled on Monday and Thursday evenings in May. (Games are typically not made up due to rain, heat, etc. Players will be contacted via TeamSnap as early as possible in the day in the event of a cancellation.)
Coaches: If you are interested in coaching, please check “yes” in the corresponding box when filling out the TeamSnap registration form or contact the T-ball commissioner. A coaches meeting will be held in April.
Coaches will contact players through the TeamSnap App once teams are finalized.
Snacks: Each Coach determines if they want to have a snack and drink after each game.
Photos: A picture night will be offered during the season for teams and players. Ordering is always optional. The date will be provided prior to the season.
Practices: Coaches are strongly encouraged to have practices prior to the season starting.
Commissioner: Jake Jenek 816-739-3329 (Text or call)