Auburn Municipal Pool opening date of May 27th, 2024!
Like us: Auburn Municipal Pool Facebook page.
Please contact the pool about inquiries regarding pool parties, water aerobics, swimming lesson placement, private swimming lessons and TeamSnap registration questions at (402) 274-3200 after May 27th or email We are excited to have a safe and fun summer!
Hours: The daily (except Tuesdays) pool season hours will run as follows
- lap swim 12am – 1pm
- open swimming 1 pm – 7pm
Tuesday Hours:
- lap swim 12am – 1pm
- open swimming 1pm – 5 pm
- Family night 6pm – 8pm. Family night swimmers must be accompanied by an immediate parent or guardian that is 18 years or older in order to swim on family nights
Daily admission will be the following:
- Adults $6.00 (ages 18 & up)
- Children $5.00 (ages 4-18)
- 3 and under free
- Senior Discount $5.00 (65 & up)
- Lap Swim $2.00
Pool passes can be paid for via TeamSnap or with a check/cash turned into Auburn City Hall or the Auburn Municipal Pool or mailed to the Auburn Pool 1101 J Street, Auburn, NE 68305. Please remember to read and sign the rule sheet when filling out a pool pass registration form. The prices for a family pool pass or an individual pool pass are as follows:
- Early bird price for a family pass (now – May 26th): $150.00
- May 27th and After for a family pass: $180.00
- Early bird price for an individual pass (now – May 26th): $90.00
- May 27th and After for an individual pass: $100.00
*Family pass is for IMMEDIATE FAMILY ONLY! Immediate family means both parents and all children 18 and under are living at home. All other persons not part of your immediate family are not allowed on this ticket. They must have a separate ticket or pay the single admission charge. The Auburn Municipal Pool withholds the right to revoke this ticket at any time for this or any other misuse. THERE WILL BE NO REFUND OF FUNDS TO ANYONE WITH SUSPENDED POOL PRIVILEGES.
Swimming Lessons
The Auburn Municipal will also be offering swimming lessons this season. Swimming lesson registration is done ONLY through the TeamSnap links. This is due to limiting the amount of participants in each group to ensure a safe and fun experience. The links for swimming lessons, listed below, will be active on the day the pool opens (May 27th, 2024) and will be a first come basis.
Lesson will be offered with sessions in June and July. June lessons will be held on June 10th through 20th Monday through Thursday with Friday reserved for a rain date. July lessons will be held on July 8th through 18th Monday through Thursday with Friday reserved for a rain date.
The price of a two-week public lesson is $50.00 (non-refundable) per child, which includes cost of instruction, materials, and certification cards. Preschool class is $35.

- Use the shower with warm water and soap before entering the pool!
- NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR BEVERAGES!!! Water in an unbreakable, closable container allowed.
- No food, gum, or beverages in pool or dressing rooms. Food/Beverages only allowed in Mini-Inn Area. You may eat outside food outside of the fencing on the picnic tables.
- Kids under the age of 8 must be with a responsible caregiver 16 years of age or older.
- No person with obvious communicable disease, skin eruption, cut, sore or lesion, eye, ear, nose, or throat infection shall be permitted in the pool.
- No use or evidence of use of drugs or alcohol products. No use of tobacco products.
- No use of profanity, vulgarity or acts of disrespectful behavior.
- Spitting, spouting of water, blowing nose or any other similar activities in the pool shall be prohibited.
- No running, boisterous or rough play (except during supervised water sports) shall be permitted in the pool, on the runways, diving boards, or in the dressing rooms. No “bombing,” dunking, or extensive splashing in the pool.
- No diving allowed in marked areas. The only diving that can be done is off the diving boards.
- No swimming in diving area
- No hanging on the pool ropes
- No flotation devices allowed in the main pool, slide, or diving boards. PFD’s and water wing use is limited; person’s using these should be under direct supervision of a responsible adult.
- May use soft, squeezable balls only. No large torpedo toys allowed. (Manager discretion)
- No street clothes, including gym shorts and cut-offs in the pool, however, adults supervising small children in the baby pool may wear clothes without shoes.
- No unnecessary visiting with the lifeguards.
Please review these rules with all family members before using the pool. Lifeguards are hired to provide a safe recreational environment for all patrons of the pool. It is not their intended purpose to perform “baby sitting” activities and discipline unruly patrons. There will be “Little Tolerance” exercised in disciplining acts of willful disobedience and acts of disrespect!! Your assistance in guiding family members in the use of the pool is greatly appreciated.